

4 Things To Do To Submit Your Book To A Publisher

3 June 2022
Business, Blog

So, you have spent the past several months putting all your energy into pouring your heart and soul onto your computer screen and writing your book. Now you want to get it published. But, how are you going to do that?  Research Agents One thing that you can do, especially if you are going to go through a traditional publishing house, is to research agents so that you can find one that can help you.
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Best Practices For OIG Exclusion Monitoring

12 April 2022
 Categories: Business, Blog

If you own a healthcare business, you will need to ensure the safety of your patients to realize business success. The U.S Office of the Inspector General (OIG) prohibits some workers or companies from healthcare employment to ensure the safety of workers, patients, and visitors. This applies to healthcare providers that get funding from various government-funded programs, including the veterans' programs, TRICARE, and Medicare. If you're considering implementing monthly OIG employee screening in your organization, here are the best OIG exclusions monthly monitoring practices to explore.
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3 Benefits of Home Patio Screen Enclosures

23 February 2022
 Categories: Business, Blog

If you have a patio or similar outdoor area that you frequently make use of, you may be thinking about adding a screen enclosure in the near future. These enclosures have a number of benefits, and on the whole, make patios a place where people want to spend more time. Keep reading below for just a few of the biggest advantages that you can experience if you choose to install a home patio screen enclosure.
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Run A Small Non-Profit Organization? Why You Need A Part-Time CFO Service

4 January 2022
 Categories: Business, Blog

If you run a small non-profit organization and you don't have a CFO on the team, it's time to make a change. You might not think that you need a CFO right now, but that might not be the case. In fact, as a small non-profit, a CFO might be more important than you'd think. If you're worried that you can't afford a full-time CFO right now, that's not a problem.
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Recommendations For Hiring Your Own Personal Assistant

15 November 2021
 Categories: Business, Blog

When your business is taking off and your personal life is just as busy, it can be helpful to hire a personal assistant to help you with one or both. But it is important that you evaluate your needs and hire the right person for the job. Here are some recommendations to help you manage your busy work schedule by hiring a personal assistant. Evaluate Your Workload When you are considering hiring a personal assistant to help you out, you first need to have a good understanding of all your tasks that you need to do.
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About Me
Business Tactics For People Who Care

Although I am far from a professional business owner, I started realizing a few months ago that my actions really mattered. I didn't know what I wanted to do, but I knew that I needed to create a business that would be warm and welcoming to all of my employees--not just the ones at the top. I started holding focus groups with the employees to see where we could improve, and it was fascinating to see just how far we were able to come. I decided to start this website to figure out how to make things better, so other people could learn from my mistakes and successes.
