Recommendations For Hiring Your Own Personal Assistant

Recommendations For Hiring Your Own Personal Assistant

Recommendations For Hiring Your Own Personal Assistant

15 November 2021
Business, Blog

When your business is taking off and your personal life is just as busy, it can be helpful to hire a personal assistant to help you with one or both. But it is important that you evaluate your needs and hire the right person for the job. Here are some recommendations to help you manage your busy work schedule by hiring a personal assistant.

Evaluate Your Workload

When you are considering hiring a personal assistant to help you out, you first need to have a good understanding of all your tasks that you need to do. Go through your week and make a list of all the items that you need to finish so you can see how many tasks there are. Evaluate all your tasks whether they are for personal or business, such as if you need to pick up your dry cleaning, get your car serviced, or box up some items that you need to ship out to customers. Based on the number of items you need to complete each week, you will have a better snapshot of everything you need to do so you can prioritize them and delegate those that you can to your personal assistant.

Once you have a list of items, you should also go through and calculate how long each task will take to complete. You can evaluate which tasks you need or want to complete yourself and which ones you can assign to a personal assistant. This step will give you a good idea of how many hours of work your personal assistant will need to handle each week, which is essential in hiring an assistant. For example, do you need a part-time or full-time assistant?

Interview Candidates

When you have found some applicants for your personal assistant position, you will want to complete full interviews on each one before you make a final decision. To make the process safer and more convenient for you and the applicant, you can complete them by video through one of many video platforms. 

Be sure you also get an application and resume from any person who applies for the position. This will give you a good idea of what types of jobs they have done in the past and how long they have worked at each one, which gives you a good idea of their commitment. If you see a person has jumped from job to job every couple of months, they may do the same to you and not stay with you long-term. It is essential that you can find an applicant who will stay with you for approximately a year or more so they can learn the job, your preferences for the tasks, and get a good flow for the work tasks.

For more information on how to find the right personal assistant, contact a company like EliteAlternatives.

About Me
Business Tactics For People Who Care

Although I am far from a professional business owner, I started realizing a few months ago that my actions really mattered. I didn't know what I wanted to do, but I knew that I needed to create a business that would be warm and welcoming to all of my employees--not just the ones at the top. I started holding focus groups with the employees to see where we could improve, and it was fascinating to see just how far we were able to come. I decided to start this website to figure out how to make things better, so other people could learn from my mistakes and successes.
